Coca-Cola Uses Bulk Carriers For Transportation Amid Shipping Crisis


  • Coca-Cola goes to great lengths to transport materials using bulk transport vessels.
  • Bulk transport ships are typically used for raw materials like grain and coal.
  • The current shipping crisis has caused major disruptions in the supply chain, making many goods harder to find and more expensive.

Coca-Cola is going to great lengths to transport materials using bulk transport vessels amid the current shipping crisis.

The carriers, which are normally used for bulk goods such as grain, coal, and other raw materials, were chosen because the beverage company could not secure the shipping containers and the space to. load needed for transportation, Alan Smith, global logistics purchasing director at Coca-Cola wrote in a post on LinkedIn. The company currently uses three of these vessels to transport manufacturing materials.

Due to shortages delaying transportation and, in extreme cases, shutting it down altogether, companies like Coca-Cola have had to get creative in transporting goods and materials around the world.

Retailers like Costco and Target have chartered their own freighters, finding creative ways to tackle these issues, but ports are still supported, resulting in massive delays due to the current labor shortage and number growing ships returning to the ocean.

Coca-Cola is trying to avoid major ports to further avoid delays, according to comments on Smith’s post.

“For these, we are heading to unencumbered ports, so we hope for a smooth offload,” Smith wrote. “Good coordination is vital both on the planning side and on the operations side for loading and unloading. “

Smith did not respond to Insider’s request for comment on the ship before posting.

Some, noticing Smith’s post, took note on social media, acknowledging that this mode of transporting materials is abnormal for a company like Coca-Cola.

“No container, no problem,” one user wrote on Twitter. “No, that’s not normal and that’s not a really good sign either.”

The current supply chain crisis combined with shipping delays have already created shortages and price hikes across the country. In September, the New York-based Coca-Cola distributor said it was struggling to recruit truckers, further disrupting the supply chain, Insider reported. Other goods and products like paper, Nike sneakers, toilet paper, computer chips and plastic products are also scarce as manufacturers try to meet demand despite delays.


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