"Cocaine Mitch" features a trendy salesman for the McConnell campaign


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By Associated press

FRANKFORT, Kentucky – The campaign for the re-election of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is taking advantage of another Republican's attack by selling "Cocaine Mitch" shirts on his campaign's website. . The shirts seem to have been hot sellers.

The Kentucky Republican campaign Twitter account said Wednesday that McConnell was approaching one of his biggest fundraising days of the year and thanking people who had bought shirts.

The shirt shows a faceless silhouette with some cocaine on the side. It is written "Mitch" on the front and "cartel member" on the back.

The Senate leader 's campaign mocks the attack of former coal leader Don Blankenship, a failed Senate nominee, who called him "Cocaine Mitch" after that. a magazine article claimed that drugs had been found aboard a freighter belonging to McConnell's wife's family.


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