Cohen to testify before the Intel Senate on Tuesday


Michael Cohen is due to appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday for an in camera hearing, a source familiar with the plans said, spending three busy days at Capitol Hill. President TrumpDonald John TrumpJustice is preparing the Mueller report as early as next week: Smollett 's lawyers declare the innocent star of "Empire". Pelosi asks members to support the resolution against the emergency declaration MOREFormer personal lawyer.

Cohen is also scheduled to testify publicly before the House Watch and Reform Committee on Wednesday, an appearance that promises a dramatic drama as legislators question Trump's only confidant about the money paid to women who alleged relationship with Trump before the election, the president's business relations issues.

Trump's former lawyer will also be appearing before the House Intelligence Committee the following day as part of the re-launched and expanded panel inquiry into Russia's interference in the 2016 elections.

Cohen was seen at Capitol Hill Thursday before his testimony, although the reason for his presence is not immediately clear.

Reuters first said that Cohen's testimony before the Senate committee had been postponed until next Tuesday, after Cohen rejected her last week for medical reasons after a recent shoulder surgery. Trident partner DMG, Cohen's spokesperson and legal advisor, Lanny Davis, later confirmed the date at The Hill.

A spokesman for Sen. Mark WarnerMark Robert WarnerTalk believes that Trump will dismiss Dan Coats Harris for electoral security reasons: "Russia can not hack a piece of paper" Schiff: Evidence of collusion between Trump's campaigns, Russia is "rather convincing" MORE (Va.), The highest-level committee member Intel, declined to comment. A spokesman for the president Richard BurrRichard Mauze BurrHarris on election security: "Russia can not hack a piece of paper" Schiff: Evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign, Russia "rather convincing" 12:30 report from The Hill – Presented by Kidney Care Partners – Lawmakers jostle each other at closing time near more (RC) did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Cohen has attracted considerable attention since he pleaded guilty to several federal charges in August, including campaign-funding violations arising from payments that, he admitted, were made to prevent negative news. to surface about Trump during the campaign. Cohen involved the president in the ploy, but Trump denied the wrongdoing and accused his former lawyer of lying.

Cohen separately pleaded guilty to having lied to Congress on the project to build a Trump tower in Moscow in conjunction with a special advocate Robert MuellerRobert Swan MuellerSasse: US should applaud Mueller's choice to lead the investigation on RussiaThe investigation, agreeing to cooperate with the investigation in November.

For weeks, Cohen is expected to testify before Congress before going to prison to serve a three-year sentence. However, his appearances were periodically postponed. In January, Cohen deferred to the House Oversight and Reform Committee open and voluntary testimony, citing the threats of Trump and his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani.

Wednesday, the president of the surveillance Elijah CummingsElijah Eugene Cummings: Review Panel Postpones Cohen's Public Statement for Next Wednesday, Night Health Care – Presented by National Union of Taxpayers – Drug Prices Focus on Insulin | Florida governor works with Trump to import cheaper drugs | Dems Blast has proposed changes in ObamaCare. Five things to know about Trump's confidant, Tom Barrack. MORE (D-Md.) Announced that the public hearing had been postponed until next Wednesday. Cummings also released a scoping brief, which will cover a number of areas, including compliance with Trump's tax and tax laws and its conflicts of interest, while avoiding issues related to the Intelligence Committee's investigation. of the House of Representatives.

Cohen is summoned to testify before the Senate panel as part of his own investigation into Russia's interference in the elections.

Cohen is expected to go to jail on May 6, after a federal judge in Manhattan has agreed to postpone the date of his report to give him more time to receive physical therapy for his operation and prepare for testimony of Congress.


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