Cole Sprouse teases Selena Gomez for his love for him – HollywoodLife


The King of Clapbacks, Cole Sprouse, had problems with social media users after leaving an insolent comment on Selena Gomez's message on Instagram, which claimed to have a crush on him when she was young.

Cole Sprouse, 27, is again! the Riverdale star is no stranger to posting intelligent comments and reviews on social networks, and this time he teases Selena Gomez, 27, for her latest post Instagram! Selena consulted the social media platform to reveal that her 11-year-old daughter had a big crush on Cole. The singer of "wolves" treated her fans with a video and a photo of an old door that she had apparently "graffitied" as a child, revealing that her heart was torn between two young men: Cole Sprouse and a mysterious man named Juan. "Apparently, my heart was very conflictual between Juan and Cole Sprouse when I was 11 years old …, "she said.

"I'm always enjoying myself," commented Cole, who currently has nearly two million views. So far, Cole's comments have garnered more than 32,000 "likes" and the stars could not get enough of the unusual interactions between former Disney stars. Cabila Cabello took a break after sucking Shawn Mendes's face to answer with a simple "Hahahahahahahahahaha", while Selena's hairdresser, Marissa Marinoadded a series of emojis who laughed crying.

Fans also enjoyed the interactions between Cole and Selena, but a pressing question remained in their minds. "JUAN O ARE YOU !!!! ARE YOU MARRIED OR NOT !!!! ? "One fan wrote, while another added:" The real Jelena? I wonder where is Juan now? "

Selena Gomez, Cole Sprouse Instagram comments
Selena Gomez and Cole Sprouse engage in a cheeky interaction on Instagram after admitting that she had a crush on him at the age of 11. (Selena Gomez / Instagram)

Cole and Selena are friends! Both had shows on Disney Channel at the same time and were often seen hanging out together at events they were younger. Cole played on The follow-up lives of Zack and Cody from 2005-2008, in front of his twin brother, Dylan Sprouse, and Selena played in the Wizards of Waverly Place, which lasted four seasons from 2007 to 2012.


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