Colin Kaepernick sign with the Patriots?


Colin Kaepernick can now rest a little easier at night. Friday, Kaepernick and Eric Reid settled their case of collusion against the NFL.

This settlement occurs more than 16 months after the filing of the complaint. The complaint alleged that NFL teams were working together to prevent Kaepernick from being hired and from being listed on the NFL.

All this was due to the former football player's kneeling protest against police brutality and the treatment of African Americans in the United States.

Although the exact details of the settlement remain confidential, the general agreement was announced via Twitter by Mark Geragos, Kaepernick's attorney.

"In recent months, Mr. Kaepernick and Mr. Reid's lawyers have engaged in ongoing dialogue with NFL officials," the tweet read. "As a result of these discussions, the parties decided to settle the outstanding grievances."

The NFL Players Association has also issued a statement regarding the situation.

"Today, the NFL has informed us of the settlement of cases of collusion between Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid," the statement said. "We are not aware of the details of the rules, but support the decision of the players and their lawyers."

"We continually supported Colin and Eric early in their protests, participated with their lawyers throughout their legal process, and were ready to participate in the next trial to seek truth and justice for what we believe the NFL and its clubs have made them suffer. , "Continues the statement.

The case was to be the subject of a lawsuit this year, but now that the parties have reached a settlement that will not materialize.

Back to the NFL?

In the NFL Players Association statement, it was announced that Reid had joined the lineup of an NFL team.

"We are pleased that Eric has won a job and a new contract, and we continue to hope that Colin will also get a chance," the statement said.

Reid signed a three-year contract with the Carolina Panthers a few days before the collusion settlement. The transaction amounts to more than $ 22 million.

At the time of signing, Reid believed that his contract would strengthen his case of collusion with Kaepernick.

"If anything, that proves what I think of last year. I did not sign up until that one [few weeks into] the regular season, "Reid told ESPN." This year I've signed a bigger deal over the same period – I'm the same player. "

Now that Reid is back with the Panthers, will Kaepernick have the right to return to his beloved sport?

"He absolutely wants to play," said Geragos to CNN after the news of the settlement broke out. "He wants to compete at the highest level."

According to the lawyer, Kaepernick's waiting to play may soon be over.

"I think you will see in the next two weeks that someone will step in, that someone will do the right thing and want me to predict who?"

For which team could Kaepernick go? Geragos has his money on the Panthers or the New England Patriots.

"I'll tell you that apart from the Panthers, it would not surprise me if [Patriots owner] Bob Kraft makes a gesture, "Geragos said.

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Stevie Wonder and other celebrities who support Colin Kaepernick

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