Colin Powell endorses Joe Biden as president, bolstering national security profile


Former Secretary of State Colin Powell gave his heartfelt support to Joe Biden on Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday, giving the former vice president another boost to his good faith on security matters national.

“Joe Biden will be a president we will all be proud to salute,” former administration official George W. Bush said in a video message. “With Joe Biden in the White House, you will never doubt that he will stand alongside our friends and resist our adversaries – never the other way around.”

Powell, a Republican who served in a variety of national security roles throughout the 1980s and 1990s, is the latest prominent figure in Washington’s defense community to line up behind Biden as he seeks to take President Donald Trump for the post of Commander-in-Chief in November.

“The values ​​I learned growing up in the South Bronx and serving in uniform were the same values ​​Joe Biden’s parents instilled in him in Scranton, Pa.,” Said Powell. “I support Joe Biden for the Presidency of the United States because these values ​​still define him, and we must restore those values ​​to the White House.”

Democrats have sought to highlight Biden’s ability to manage the country’s national security. Also on Tuesday, Cindy McCain, the wife of the late GOP Senator John McCain, was scheduled to appear to discuss Biden’s close friendship with her husband, who was taken prisoner and tortured while fighting in Vietnam. However, McCain stopped before approving Biden.

The deployment comes as Biden has sought to present a contrast to Trump while embracing Republican moderates.

During his lifetime, John McCain sometimes had a heated argument with Trump, who, while running for president in 2016, said of McCain’s imprisonment in Vietnam that “I love people who weren’t captured. “

Powell has criticized Trump in the past and said in June he would vote for Biden. He addressed his criticism of the president during Tuesday’s speech.

“Today we are a divided country, and we have a president who is doing everything in his power to make it this way and keep us this way,” said Powell. What a difference it will make to have a president who unites us, who restores our strength and our soul. “

National security has not played a significant role in the 2020 elections so far, largely overwhelmed by the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic and the effect of lockdowns and other preventative measures on the economy.

But Trump, who lags behind national poll averages, has nonetheless encountered problems with former members of his administration attacking his national security decision-making after they leave.

John Bolton, the president’s former national security adviser, published a book critical of the president earlier this year and indicated he would not vote for Trump or Biden in November.

On Monday, Miles Taylor, the former Homeland Security chief of staff, wrote a damning opinion piece in the Washington Post that accused the president of making the country less secure. Taylor also endorsed Biden.

Trump said Bolton’s book was made up of lies and downplayed the DHS official’s position as a disgruntled employee.


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