College Football Playoff Ranking: BYU ranked too low; other takeaways


In the weirdest season in the modern era of college football, it’s only fitting that the top five teams in the top varsity football playoff standings have played eight games (two), seven games, six games and four games.

Hello, 2020.

This should give you an idea of ​​the relevance of these rankings. There’s a long way to go, and COVID issues show little sign of slowing down (we’ve already had nine games affected this weekend and it’s Tuesday).

So who knows if some of these top teams will actually complete the rest of their schedules. We know that any Pac-12 champion will have, at most, only seven games played, and a Big Ten champion Ohio State will have, at most, played eight games. We know the SEC is scrambling to reschedule missed games with its division chiefs, Alabama and Florida, and we know the Big 12, each of their teams struggling with at least two losses, are out of action ( but hey, it’s 2020; there is no certainty).


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