12 Russian defendants interfering in US elections in 2016 | International | news


Washington –

Twelve officers of Russian military intelligence hacked the campaign team of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, and disclosed tens of thousands of private communications in a large-scale Kremlin plan to intervene in the 2016 US elections, according to an official accusation made a few days before President Donald Trump meets his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

The accusation is the first charges brought by the special prosecutor Robert Mueller against Russian government officials for interference in US political affairs, a plan that US intelligence agencies claim to aim to help Trump's campaign and to harm Clinton

. is exposed how months before the elections, Russian officials maneuvered to smuggle into the accounts of The crucial e-mails of Democrats, such as that of Clinton campaign president, John Podesta, the Democratic National Committee and the Campaign Committee democratic legislation. The emails, many of which were politically damaging to Clinton, appeared on WikiLeaks in the latter part of the campaign.

According to the charges, Russian defendants, using a character known as Guccifer 2.0, communicated in August 2016 with a friend of the Trump campaign team to offer help.

And the same day that Trump encouraged a speech in Russia to find Clinton's lost emails, hackers tried for the first time to enter the e-mail accounts used by the Clinton office.

Mueller does not accuse Trump's campaign collaborators of having participated in the cyberintrusion or that the Americans had already known that they had communications with Russian officials, or that the hacking had changed the examination of the votes. The White House took advantage of these points in a statement in which it did not condemn the Russian interference

It is not clear if the content of the accusation could influence Monday's meeting between Trump and Putin.

Trump once again expressed skepticism about Russian participation in piracy, and Democrats blame him for being too close to the Russian leader. Prior to the announcement of the prosecution, Trump complained again of the Russian investigation and pointed out that "stupidity" complicated "too much to materialize something with Russia".

For its part, the Kremlin again rejected the elections "The Russian state has never intervened and does not intend to do so in the American elections", Putin's foreign affairs advisor Yuri Ushakov said on Friday.

If the participation of officials of the Russian intelligence agency GRU, the denials of the Kremlin that the Russian state did not interfere with the US elections because the GRU is part of the US. state apparatus

Russian defendants are not detained and it is unclear whether they will ever be brought before a court in the United States, although the Department of Justice considers that the charges of Absence have a deterrent effect. (I)

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