20 military officers wounded after an accident at the headquarters of the Third Brigade in Cali


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18 July 2018 – 08h56



El País Editorial

At least 20 soldiers were injured Tuesday night after a truck they were traveling in collided with with a wall the headquarters of the third brigade in Cali.

The facts were presented at 23:40, according to the commander of the Third Brigade, Colonel Roger Gómez, after their return from the rehearsal of the Independence parade this Friday, July 20.

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The causes for which the truck collided with the wall have not yet been clarified. Authorities seek to confirm whether there was a mechanical or human failure.

"The vehicle involved in the accident at Soat, maintenance up to date and the driver is an experienced certified soldier," said the new commander of the Third Brigade.

Colonel Roger Gómez adds that none of the wounded will have serious health problems after this accident. Afterwards, they were transferred to the Valle del Lili clinic and the Colombian clinic. On the morning of this Wednesday, eight were already unloaded.

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