2018 Rural Expo: The full schedule of activities and schedules – 17/07/2018


Every time less is needed to start a new edition of Rural de Palermo. The 2018 Rural Exhibition will open tomorrow at 9am until 8pm and will continue until July 29th. There you can enjoy various activities to enjoy the countryside and the city.

There will be more than 4,000 animals of the best breeds in the country and the leading agricultural machinery companies will present novelties, innovation and trends. The automakers will also say they are present, with the best of their cars in 5 4×4 tracks. There will also be regional gastronomic tours with typical Argentinian products

Regarding the oath and cattle sales, it will be given from the second week. The kickoff will be given by the Braford Race, with the oath taking place on the central court on Monday 23 at 9 am .

It should be remembered that on Monday, the first animal named Mbappé an Angus bull of one year and ten months, came in. The 920-kilo specimen, named after the star of the French national team, belongs to General Acha's Curaco hut, La Pampa, and will compete on the track in the two-year-old category.

On the other hand, the Agro Training and Business Center (NAC) will be the meeting point for exhibitors, professionals, businessmen and producers. A space where you will find a variety of content related to the sector and which can be accessed through an extensive program of technical conferences and clinics from the breeder to the breeder.

As in each edition, the "International Business Rounds " will be major protagonists among the various actors of the agro-industrial market. On 23 and 24 July, the "4th cycle of agricultural and livestock affairs", developed for the third consecutive year with the CIDETER Foundation, will focus on entrepreneurs in the sector and the main livestock referents, with the participation of seven international operators of the South African market

From July 25 to 27, "Food and Beverage Rounds" will gather 15 companies from outside the various participating markets of the fair, among which are Chile, Peru, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Algeria and the United Kingdom.

For the second year in a row, In July, the "Meat Week" will mark the agenda of the main themes related to the meat production chain from genetics to commercialization . In addition, a complete diagnosis of animal production will be developed. All topics will be covered in conferences and training seminars in genetics, production, health, nutrition, marketing and gastronomy. In addition, there will be auctions and a bull contest

The general calendar for these days includes:

Wednesday 18/07 : 11th Bovina Genetics Forum Conference "Dr. Juan Bullo."

Swearing and Removing from Novillos; Second Block Trial Competition; Discussions on Good Breeding Practices and Health Management

Thursday 19/07 : Table of Meats

Friday 20/07 : Table of Meats Throughout the week Remate de Vaquillonas Selected

Recreation for the whole family

Thanks to the success of recent years, the 'Children's Pavilion & # 39; will once again be the main attraction for the little ones during these winter holidays. It will bring together fun activities of the country so that they also enjoy the trip: the farm to interact with the animals, the fun activities on the ground, the birth of the chicks, the building with blocks, the space artistic and pony rides. There will also be special moments with the children's favorite characters: the chick, the cow, the horse and the sheep.

Also, during this weekend, those who will visit the exhibition will appreciate " Live Cooking & # 39; an inescapable gastronomic demonstration of Los Petersen Cooks with recipes of Argentine meat as a protagonist

Useful data

DATE AND TIME: of 18 July 29, 9:00 am to 8:00 pm

ENTRY, ACCESS AND PARKING General admission: Monday to Friday $ 120 and Saturday to Sunday $ 150 – Retirees enter for free Monday and Tuesday; From Wednesday to Friday, pay $ 75, and Saturdays and Sundays, $ 150.

– Children under 8 years enter for free accompanied by an adult

– Disabled people enter free of charge, presenting a certificate.

– Veterinary and agronomic students; and students of the Higher Institute of Education, Studies and Agricultural Extension (ISEA) enter without charge, presenting a university booklet

– Ticketing: Plaza Italia and Parking

– General entrance: Plaza Italia, Sarmiento Avenue 2704, Parking and Cerviño 4446.

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