36 Colombian cocaine farmers arrested in the border zone of Loreto


Because it is a border with Colombia and because of the complexity of its jungle geography, Putumayo (Loreto region) played a key role in the management of drug trafficking and guerrilla warfare. FARC. During the last Armageddon operation, carried out by the armed forces and the national police, 36 Colombians involved in the production of cocaine were captured.

During the offensive of the military police, after the government decreed the state of emergency This city, in the presence of armed groups related to drug trafficking, destroyed 40 laboratories and seized 140 kilos of cocaine. Another 15 mafioso Peruvians were also arrested.

Interior Minister Mauro Medina said that the operation was conducted in an area near the Pacora Lagoon in Alto Putumayo. He said that 373 officers participated, including police and military, as well as drug prosecutors and one for terrorism cases.

The detainees were transferred to Iquitos.

Peruvian authorities confirmed the presence of dissidents from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) who would promote drug trafficking.

In April, 19-year-old Neider Jhonny Machacury, a 19-year-old Colombian, was arrested near a public school in Putumayo when he was talking with two minors who tried to convince him to join dissident groups of FARC

It should be noted that the Public Ministry has already reported several cases of kidnappings in this region of Loreto. 19659009] It was known, according to the police, that last March a complaint was lodged by a resident of Putumayo who claimed to have been invited to participate "in guerrilla warfare". This, then, was reported by his family as kidnapped. It was like that for 10 days

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