38% of Colombian users are dependent on their mobile phone


Over the last decade, the use of cell phones has changed the way we live and communicate. Nowadays, smartphones are an important part of our daily life because they offer us tools that make life easier, we communicate with them, we organize ourselves, we make bank transfers, we capture unforgettable moments and especially we approach the most distant. But … What happens when we get away from the people who are right in front of us?

45 years ago Motorola created the mobile phone in the world, and since then interest in understanding the impact of this rapidly changing technology on the lives of users, in order to achieve to a better balance between the use of mobile phone and personal life.

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To this end, through the global campaign #Phonelifebalance Motorola created a anonymous online test with ten simple questions, to identify how dependent we are from our mobile devices

Colombians and their relationship with smartphones

In Colombia, more than 24,000 users between 10 and 70 years participated in the quiz, cu 61% were men and 38% women. The cities with the largest participation were Bogotá, Medellín and Valle del Cauca.

Of the 5 user profiles defined in the study, the most common among Colombians, was level 3: phone dependent, with 38%. These users recognize and define when and where to use the phone or not, however, they feel anxious when 10% of the battery remains.

The second largest group in the country, with 34.6%, is Level 2: phone -conscious : These users live with their phone, not on it. They smartly use the smartphone to save time and energy that they could invest in things that really matter to them. Again, good signs that we are still in time to become aware of the responsible use of the cell phone.

Among the answers that generate alerts, 69% of Colombian users confessed to having checked their phone. looking for text messages, mail or social networking updates before getting up in the morning, even 38% of attendees find it curious to know what would happen during a weekend if they had not their smartphone.

49% of users say that they ignore a text message when they talk to someone. Is it true?

Some additional data of interest in Colombia:

48% of Colombians prefer to give up having intimate relationships for a month, rather than their smartphone.

More than 33% recognize that the smartphone is their best companion in the bathroom.

23% of users say they have checked their smartphone at a funeral and 19% see it again while

52% of Colombians check their phone without anything. changed since the last time they saw it.

Here are the user levels that exist according to the test of # Phonelifebalance and the percentages here in the country, according to what Colombian users say:

Level 1. Phone-Sapiens : 8.73% of Colombian users

They simply use their phone for the basics: making calls. They do not send messages because they find it more convenient to make a call. They have accounts in social networks, although in reality they hardly use it and do not publish. The good news is that these people do not run the risk of your phone taking control of your life. Mobile is essential in life and is created to use as a tool that has the quality of making life easier, a little more technology could make your days more productive.

Level 2. Phone-Conscious: 34.6% of Colombian users

Live with their phone, not on it. That's why they deserve congratulations. They use the smartphone to save time and energy that they could invest in things that really matter to them. These people know the value of relationships and how to enjoy them, they know that there are times when to use the phone and others to live in the moment. When a person is at level 2, she realizes that the balance between the phone and life is something that needs to be taken care of and maintained. Level 3. Phone-Dependent: 38.42% of Colombian users

Sometimes they can not resist their phone, they use it in idle moments just because they're there. Have near, they feel anxious when they have your cell phone has 10% remaining battery. These people are guided by their personal ways, which indicate when and where to use the phone and do not always live it. In fact, it bothers them that their friends are using the phone when they leave, although in reality they could be infected and end up doing the same thing. His balance between the phone and life is better than most, but this phantom buzz may be trying to tell them something.

Level 4. Lovers of the phone: 17.76% of Colombian users

profile have a love story called " They and their phone" at this point, they may run down the slope up to reach the obsession. Your phone is never turned off, at night at your bedside, sometimes you feel multi-tasking when you're actually multi-distraction.

A study by Motorola in conjunction with the Dr. Nancy Etcoff specialist in the behavior of the mind and brain, and the science of happiness of the 39 Harvard University, (also a psychologist at the Department of Psychiatry, Mbadachusetts General Hospital ), found that 49% of respondents check their smartphone more than they wish. When they check their device to check the weather or the time, they are surprised to do something else without knowing the time or the weather. Have the seconds or minutes pbaded? It is difficult to know, what is known, is that this behavior could become automatic.

Level 5. Phone-Fanatic: 0.48% of Colombian users

The highest level of the category, since they're never ceasing to use their phone, it's the first thing they check in the morning, before falling asleep, when they can in fact, they find themselves even looking at it without knowing what they would do. Separate yourself from your cell phone, even for a few minutes, and you feel stressed.

It's a negative reality, since the relationship with your cell phone overshadows the valuable relationship you have with your family and friends. They are the kind of people who, as soon as they receive a message, feel the need to respond almost immediately, no matter what activity they do. People who share this profile can always find the balance between the phone and their life.

Find out which user category you belong to, and do the test in this link .

Smartphones and users in Latin America

In Latin America, more than 126,000 people have pbaded the test, and in countries like Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru users could discover how is the relationship with their phones. A curious fact is that 54% of these Latin Americans would be willing to give up their smartphone for a month, rather than bad. Although it also means that almost half, prefer the opposite.

On the other hand, we can point out that 15% of Latin American users spend the 24 hours of their day with the smartphone at their fingertips.

65% of Latin American participants check their phone for notifications before getting up in the morning and a big trigger for this anxiety is that their companions do it before them, since over 74% of participants also said they would probably check their cell phone as soon as one of their friends took their cell phone

– Colombia.com

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