& # 39; ELN is responsible for the massacre in Algeria, Cauca & # 39 ;: Office of the Prosecutor | Colombia


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The Attorney General of the Nation, Nestor Humberto Martinez, announced that he would accuse six leaders of the "José María Becerra" front of the country. ELN, for his alleged involvement in the killing of seven people, which took place on July 3, including several former Farc combatants in rural Algeria Cauca

De Popayán, during the installation of the Tenth Anti-Corruption Conference, Martinez said that "with technical and irrefutable evidence" there is full paternity of such facts at the head of the ELN

. authorities, two vans left the bodies at dawn that day, when people were sleeping, between 1:30 in the morning. and at 2:30 in the morning

They were left on a road that connects the townships of El Sinaí and El Mango, 40 minutes from the urban center of Algeria. The corpses were all men, they had boots and signs of torture.

"There may be communications that say that they are not responsible for this crime but justice has all the evidence to present it to the judge., So that this mbadacre does not remain unpunished", said the Attorney General.

Precisely, a few days after the multiple crime and via Twitter, the ELN had denied their participation in this criminal act.

The Attorney General reiterated that "with technical and indisputable evidence, the paternity of these events is held at the head of the ELN."

Social Leaders

On the other hand, the prosecutor badured that investigations into the death of social leaders were prioritized to clarify the facts and find those responsible.

"We must recognize that in the Office of the Prosecutor we have managed to identify the perpetrators of these murders by 54% .It is an unprecedented thing in the criminal action of this authority" said the Prosecutor.

Capture mayor

The Attorney General gave details of the capture of the mayor of Almaguer, Cauca, storekeeper and the legal representative of a marketer.

During the investigation, the Office of the Prosecutor reported alleged irregularities in a contract worth more than 700 million pesos which was aimed at the purchase of 19,900 tiles, of which only 11,072 were of a heritage character. less 280 million.

For these facts, the prosecutor of knowledge will charge the charges for misappropriation offenses by appropriation, contract without respect of legal requirements and ideological forgery in a public document.

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