& # 39; Juicy offer & # 39; from Ecuador to Hernán Darío Bolillo Gómez | Football | Sports


The Ecuadorian Football Federation hopes to announce, in the coming weeks, the new national coach. The main candidate to replace the Argentine Gustavo Quinteros is the Colombian Hernán Darío Bolillo Gómez who led the World Cup in Russia in Panama.

In this country of Central America, leadership is waiting to negotiate with the trainer to launch a new process in charge of their selection;

"The Ecuadorian Federation offered $ 1.5 million a year to Bolillo Gómez to be in charge of the command of the local team," he said in a statement. . note the Panamanian portal TVMax .

The Colombian, 62, has already led Ecuador, a team that qualified for the Japan-Korea World Cup 2002.

"All in the Panamanian Football Federation ( Fepafut) wants Bolillo to continue with Panama, but it is quite complicated to compete with the offers of South American countries that are ready to publish very high figures, "said a source from Panamanian agency at the website

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