& # 39; Pacho & # 39; Santos could be the next ambassador to Washington, United States. UU


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20 July 2018 – 8:09 pm
2018-07-20 By:

Colprensa / El Colombiano

The possibility that Francisco Santos Calderón, former Vice President of the Republic, is Colombia's next ambbadador to Washington, is strengthening in political canopies close to President-elect Iván Duque.

In the last hours, various media in the capital referred to an imminent designation of Santos in this important position, vital in our country's relations with the states. United Duque, however, did not formalize this situation by the usual ways

Read also: Duque appoints Alicia Arango Minister of Labor

If named, Santos will replace Camilo Reyes, who is at power since July 6, 2017.

Francisco Santos was vice president of the government of Álvaro Uribe Vélez (2002-10) and presidential candidate of Uribismo (2014).
In addition, he is a graduate in Spanish and a journalist with extensive experience in the media.

In recent years, he has been one of the main detractors of the peace process with the FARC and the government of his cousin Juan Manuel Santos.

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