6.4-magnitude earthquake kills 14 people and injures 162 people in Indonesia | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


A powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake shook the Indonesian tourist island of Lombok, east of the archipelago, where 14 people lost their lives and 162 were injured.

The telluric movement of Ten Seconds of Sleep surprised many locals, who had to leave their homes quickly for fear of landslides.

Thousands of buildings were damaged and more than 6,200 families were affected, according to the latest report from the agency. National Disaster Management (BNPB).

The eastern region of Lombok was the region with the highest death toll (10, nine Indonesians and one Malaysian), while the remaining four died

In addition, 105 of the wounded are still in a state serious, while the authorities continue to count the victims and the damages suffered. [196590] 02] Several people are treated on the floor or on a stretcher outside a health center in the municipality of Sembalun, where the hypocenter was located, while the cries of relatives are heard, as shown by a video captured by witnesses.

Inside the clinic, full of debris and cracks, is not sure about the risk that one of the 124 aftershocks of the earthquake so far is causing the l? collapse of the building.

The BNPB informed about the need for staff, medical equipment, stretchers and food, while agencies such as the Red Cross sent blankets, tarpaulins, sleeping bags and aid packages to affected families.

However, BNPB spokesman, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, said that despite the collapse of a hundred buildings, the island's infrastructure, such as the system electrical, telecommunications and roads, in general continue to operate.

Sutopo also reported that the Ceso ac to the active volcano Rinjani, one of the tourist attractions of Lombok, was closed due to landslides and forced the evacuation of 826 mountaineers between nationals and foreigners.

The deadly Malaysian citizen is a 30-year-old woman, who died when the building where she was shattered and planned to climb, along with other mountaineers, the volcano.

In addition, several Spanish tourists were in Lombok and the adjacent islands Gili, about 45 kilometers from the hypocenter,

the Spanish Daniel Civantos, who visits the island of Gili Air during his vacation, told Efe that some of the structures on this island suffered minor damage, although there was no landslide.

a big roar and move everything in a violent way: the windows, the doors, "he told Efe this Barcelona through several messages.

Civantos added, just when he felt Other answer, tourists are "afraid that another (earthquake) will happen again" during their sleep.

The earthquake also hit the island of Bali, west of Lombok and the main tourist destination of the country.In Sumbawa, east of the hypocenter and where some buildings have collapsed

In 2004, an earthquake near the northwestern coast of the The Indonesian island of Sumatra has caused a tsunami that has killed at least 280,000 people in a dozen countries.The waters of the Indian Ocean, mainly in Indonesia

Indonesia is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire ", an area of ​​high seismic and volcanic activity shaken by about 7,000 shakes per se, mostly moderate.

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