62% of 4G roads are in arrears – Sectors – Economy


While 22 of 29 fourth-generation road projects (4G lanes) are under construction and 15 are in the process of financial closure, NNA's Infrastructure Project Manager (GPI) records indicate that 18 projects are under construction. have significant delays.

It is the Transversal del Sisga and the Perimetral de Oriente de Cundinamarca.

In the first case, the GPI shows an advance of 34.3%, while the calendar indicates that it should be 66. However, Ernesto Carvajal Salazar, Director of Sisga's cross-concession, claims that the works are at 50.5%.

In this case, the arrears came from an error in the diagnosis of the acquisition of properties during the pre-construction phase advanced by the company, in which they did not take into account the fact that they had to do so with more than 627 fields.

As regards the management perimeter of Cundinamarca, The plan is divided into five functional units, three of which are ready and one is already operational.

However, units five and six have been suspended since 2018, since there have been about 60 births in these sections, so it is necessary to change the configuration.

The other striking case is the road leading to the Magdalena River, which would not reach the goal of being ready in 2020, because the progression is 8.7% and should be of 57.8%. The problem is internal, like the dealer, a subsidiary of Aleatica S. A., considered that the contractor responsible for the work, OHL, had not complied with its obligations and that it terminated the contract last April.


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