8 arrested suspects responsible for the killing of CTI members in Nariño


July 12, 2018 – 09h40




The Hercules Working Group confirmed the capture of 8 people who allegedly were responsible for the murder of the three CTI members of the Office of the Prosecutor , in a fact that was recorded in the corregimiento the Guayacana in the municipality of Tumaco (Nariño).

The catches were also confirmed by the official Twitter account of the Ministry of Defense.

"The General Command @FuerzasMilCol informed me that eight subjects were captured, responsible for the killing of CTI @FiscaliaCol members at #Tumaco # Nariño.The authorities also seized communication equipment with information on the attack: #LCVillegas, "the Trino reads.

It is expected that in the coming hours, the Gaula police, as well as the national army and the delegates of the Attorney General of the Nation provides details on the capture of alleged killers who, apparently, are part of the pseudonym & # 39; Guacho & # 39; from Oliver Sinisterra.

  CTI members killed in Nariño

CTI officials badbadinated in Nariño in an ambush

Photo: Courtesy of the Attorney General

The catches were recorded in the morning of Thursday after an operation that took place all night, once the Find the comings and goings of the alleged perpetrators.

The badbadination of officials is attributed to dissidents of the Oliver Sinisterra Front of the Farc, commanded by Walter Patricio Arizala Vernaza, aka Guacho.

The incident was recorded at 14:30. on the road that leads from the municipality of Tumaco to the town of Pasto, on the border with Ecuador.

The three officials were identified by authorities as Douglas Dimitry Guerrero Medina, belonging to the National Unity against Organized Crime; Willington Alexander Montenegro Martínez, researcher of the Antiexplosivos group, and Yair Alonso Montenegro Galindez, investigative technician of the Prosecutor's Technical Investigation Body

The three victims, in service, were mobilized in a pickup truck when they were attacked by men

The first information indicates that after firing, the vehicle and two of its occupants were cremated

It should be remembered that the Oliver Sinisterra Front FARC, headed by Guacho is responsible for the kidnapping and subsequent killing of three members of a journalistic team of the newspaper El Comercio de Quito.
Similarly, they are accused of the murder of the young Katty Velasco Pinargote and Oscar Villacís Gómez, kidnapped Ecuadorians. last April in the border province of Esmeraldas.

Read also: Alias ​​Guacho would be behind an ambush against three CTI officials

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