Two girls drowned in the Magdalena River


Two cousins ​​of five and seven years old were playing at the shore of the Magdalena River 30 minutes from downtown Puerto Berrío, when the smallest accidentally fell into the water. The other minor wanted to save her, but she too drowned. The bodies were saved in the last hours.

The Puerto Berrío fire brigade commander, Sergeant Nelson Boada, called on parents to take better care of their children and to avoid repeating a tragedy like the one that mourns the Castaño family in this municipality of Magdalena Medio Antioquia.

"Because of the carelessness of the parents, they did not pay attention to them and one of them, the youngest, was taken away by the stream, and the other has come in to remove it. Unfortunately, the Magdalena River takes many lives each year, "says Sergeant

Fishermen, Firefighters and Volunteers helped with research waters below the Magdalena River. and, later, that of the major.

"We received the emergency call and when we arrived, the army was in place.Two fire fighting units were deployed. the administration helped us with fuel for the boats and we managed to find the bodies so that their family could give them the last goodbye ", added the commander of the fire.

Through social networks, family members expressed their sadness for the loss of the little ones. "My beautiful daughter, may God have you in your holy glory, you have left so much emptiness, my little girl," says the father of one of the girls.

"God gives you all the forces of the world to go forward. I know that this pain is not taken away by anyone ", One of the answers of friends.

The miners accident occurred in the village of Puerto Murillo, an area where the Magdalena River has a strong current and the depth reaches five meters.

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