The Bronco says that he will work hand in hand with AMLO to move Mexico forward


Jaime Rodríguez, the Bronco, who obtained between 5.3 and 5.5% of the total votes, according to the preliminary results of the National Electoral Institute, asked Andrés Manuel López Obrador to keep his promises .

"I hope he will make every effort to move the country forward and comply.Our side, you will have the collaboration of Nuevo León," he said.

He emphasized that it was the people who decided and "although they preferred to continue with their paws around their necks, I respect their decision.I will continue to promote the state and Mexico so that 39, he has better conditions. "

He added that he felt satisfied with what he realized because he did a lot with an austere campaign based on social networks. It was an extraordinary experience that will help him to continue to improve, because although he had a proposal that the Mexicans did not like, he managed to get Mexico recognized, especially because he is the country's first candidate and independent governor.

He worked as governor of Nuevo Leon from 8 am on Monday and said that the first thing is to recover the trust of the citizens by the work and the effort.

He said that he will not leave Andrés Manuel and that he will show your support even if you do not agree with certain proposals.

"I will help you as much as possible to move Mexico forward, but without being a submissive or submissive governor, but a defender of the interests of Nuevo León." [19659002Enmêmetempsilaurauntravailadéquatdecoordinationetdecommunicationavecl'équipedunouveauprésidentetchercheraàproposerdesstratégiestellesquelapeinedemortetunedistributionpluséquitableauxEtatsetauxmunicipalitésios[19659008]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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