A truck is cremated on the road Boyacá – Casanare | Tunja


The incident was presented on the road "La Rocha" at km 44 of the road Sogamoso (Boyacá) – Aguazul (Casanare), near the municipality of Pajarito ( Boyacá).

According to the testimony of the tractor driver, identified as Luis Becerra, two men who presented as belonging to the ELN guerrilla and who carried weapons to short fire, forced to stop and get off the vehicle and then set it on fire without another word.

The tractor truck which, according to unofficial sources, was transporting cement to Arauca, was lost

The fact is already raising uncertainty in this stretch of road, because hours before there was another violent incident where another driver of a heavy vehicle refused to stop in the same area, he was attacked and received a bullet impact in one of his xtremidades

These cases are the subject of investigation by the authorities to determine if the guerrilla ELN is actually behind the attacks, and identify the perpetrators of the events.

] Caracol Radio learned that it will seek to increase the vigilance of the public forces in the Cusiana road corridor to ensure the safety of travelers

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