Páramos Law would leave the environmental authorities of Antioquia without resources


The Autonomous Regional Societies (CARs) of Antioquia have expressed concern about the new Páramos law, recently approved by Congress this week. According to the institutions, the regulations that seek to protect the páramos could leave them without the necessary resources for its operation.

In a joint statement, Corpourabá, Cornare and Corantioquia explained that the resources with which they finance the tasks of control, monitoring and protection of the environmental heritage come from transfers from the electricity sector and the rate of use of electricity. l & # 39; water.

According to the companies, Article 24 of the new Páramos law has "confusing wording that causes great concern" as it does not specify the resources of the electrical sector transfers and the rate of use would go up to the RAC.

"With the modification that it is established that all or part of the resources from transfers and rates currently received by the CARs will be transferred to the National Fund for the Environment (FONAM), undermines the constitutional principle of According to CAR Antioquia, this would happen because the resources that are now arriving directly in the regions would begin to be administered centrally from the capital of the Republic, where I do not really know "what are the needs

Similarly, companies claim that the Páramos law leaves regulatory gaps on the amount of transfers from the electricity sector, "and is left to interpretation if the transfer is made directly by the electricity producer at FONAM or CAR.

The environmental authorities of Antioquia invited the national government to revise the Páramos law, especially Article 24.

Other Controversies ]

This n & # This is not the first call of the experts on the Páramos law. This week, when the text was approved in the Senate, the former Minister of the Environment, Manuel Rodríguez Becerra, denounced the fact that the regulation made "a very serious rabbit for the environmental sector".

they will go to the Fund for Peace, while until now, thanks to the law 1819 of 2016, 100% of this tax went to the protection of the environment

"C & # 39, is an act of clown, an indecent act, "said Rodríguez Becerra

The law of Páramos lacks only the sanction of President Juan Manuel Santos.

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