What about Windows 10 updates?


Microsoft believed that automatic updates would improve user security, as the more people were protected in the shortest possible time, the more hackers found it difficult to take advantage of bugs (software errors) or software malicious.

This is the theory but, in practice, what the Redmond team members have not taken into account, is that the updates could become flawed ! For this reason, there are times when users say that they have blocked access to the Microsoft account, cause the dreaded blue screens of death, generate hardware malfunctions, and so on.

Windows Blue Screen

] The idea of ​​Microsoft was that all devices with Windows 10 would download the updates and install them automatically to avoid the large number of vulnerabilities, therefore, an updated computer would be more protected. Now, computers with older versions of Windows like 7 and 8, too, would get fixes to past mistakes, improvements in the software's operation level and many other wonders of a operating system per day.

apparently, no one in the user support team thought that the terminals would not be exempt from incurring further contagious errors generated by some of the updates and / or actions that have tendency to evade control of the PC or the devices of the Internet of Things (IoT), as is the case of: the constant actions that cause the reboot and repeated recharging of the boot sector.

In Some Cases, Updates Generate Mixed Feelings

] What is the danger of automatic Windows updates in which the user has no control?

At each new update a previous error is resolved and, it is possible, some new problems are generated in terms of compatibility with certain hardware components such as the network card or peripherals (printers, scanners, IoT, etc. .

So the updates are not dangerous but, if they can be very uncomfortable!

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