Facebook will show you all the information about the ads on your pages | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


In order to be more transparent with the advertising that appears on his platform, Facebook announced that he was going to launch a new section in the Pages where he will post all the advertisements that he has engaged and being executed; and another where users can get general information about the profile.

As with any advertisement appearing on Facebook the ads listed in this new tab can be marked and flagged if they are considered violating social network policies to be reviewed later. This was explained by the director of product management in the advertising team of Facebook Rob Leathern.

The action is also part of the journal "proactive" undertaken by Facebook . Human critics badociate with artificial intelligence technology to examine the content of all advertisements that appear on the social network.

The chief operating officer of Facebook Sheryl Sandberg, said the social network Apply more filters to political ads to guarantee your honesty. Even if it produces delays before they are published. "We do not like delays in the system [pero] over manual revision and more checks mean more delays," he said.

Tasks Pending

Currently, Facebook does not offer much information. It only shows the announcement and not an additional context such as orientation, money spent or advertising spent. Given this, Sandberg acknowledged that Facebook has a lot of work to do. "There are many ways to do more," he said. "These are the first steps."

The executive said that she does not expect aggregated filters to make ads more expensive. He suggested that advertisers be aware of the changes. Although some are worried about leaving their ads to compete, most of them are in agreement.

"I think advertisers in general approve the ads they publish," he said. "You can really see a lot of advertising from your competitors [ya] you just catch them."

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