The United States allocates nearly $ 31 million to help Venezuelans


The United States has allocated nearly $ 31 million in humanitarian aid to Venezuelans who fled their country to other Latin American countries because of the serious political and economic crisis, but recognize that more support is needed. international organizations so that more resources are allocated.

Martha Youth, Americas Director of the Office of Population, Refugees and Migration of the US State Department, explained that her country's humanitarian aid is $ 30.9 million since FY 2017 and that funds have been allocated to shelters, food, clean water, health services such as vaccines, documentation and identification of people who are really vulnerable.

During his visits to Brazil and Colombia, bordering countries of Venezuela that hosted a large number of Venezuelan emigrants, he noted that these countries were "very generous hosts" and said that, as the Ecuador and Peru, they had put in

"Compbadion and generosity have been extraordinary, but we also know that the number of people needs international support.The international community is working with the Governments of the region to provide support, there are several international donors who have contributed and we urge other international donors to continue to provide help, "said youth at a Washington conference call. The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) estimates that two million Venezuelans have left Venezuela and that this number is expected to rise to three million by the end of 2018.

Youth has explained that this Venezuelan move is considered "US Vice President, Mike Pence, announced last week in Brazil nearly $ 10 million in additional badistance, funds that include a contribution to the region's regional response. International Organization for Migration (IOM) to the Venezuelan crisis, support to the UN World Food Program emergency response efforts for Venezuelans who have recently arrived in Ecuador and other humanitarian aid to Venezuelans and their host communities in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and other countries in the region, according to the State Department. [19659006] US badistance to Venezuelan displaced includes food, drinking water, personal hygiene, shelter, protection from violence and exploitation, as well as employment and education opportunities, in coordination with other humanitarian organizations and partner governments. With this additional $ 10 million, the total amount of US humanitarian aid destined for the Venezuelan crisis since the beginning of the 2017 fiscal year amounts to nearly $ 31 million.

In addition to this aid, $ 18.5 million in bilateral funding supports Venezuelan displaced persons in Colombia who fled the crisis in their country.

The United States is coordinating with the Colombian government to respond quickly to the needs of Venezuelans, Colombians and others who have fled Venezuela, according to the US State Department. Last June, the Colombian government estimated that nearly 1.1 million people, including Venezuelan and Colombian returnees, had arrived in this South American nation since the beginning of 2017.

Brazil is home to 40,000 Venezuelans, according to UNHCR figures until March of this year; and Ecuador received more than 343,300 people between January and May 2018.

In comparison, 287,000 Venezuelans arrived in this Andean country in 2017.

During this year, about 90% of Venezuelans Arrived in Ecuador, they arrived by the Rumichaca Bridge, which connects the Ecuadorian province of Carchi to the department of Nariño, Colombia.

Several people who help Venezuelans in this nation have reported that many of them need

Filippo Grandi, director of UNHCR, said that more than 15 countries in Latin America and The Caribbean has accepted Venezuelan IDPs and their numbers have increased by 2 of Venezuelans who have sought asylum worldwide since 2014.

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