How to prevent Windows 10 from installing apps without your permission


Apparently, Microsoft has installed a set of applications from its official store in Windows 10 as part of the agreements it has established with several companies. These applications, which are usually games, are supposed to be installed without the users' consent. We will tell you how to prevent this from happening before it's too late.

Several Reddit users described their experience in Windows 10. Many claim that several games or download links have been silently appearing in their boot menu. 19659003] Candy Crush and more games

And, in 2015, Microsoft signed a contract with the company that is behind Candy Crush King, and for this reason distributed Candy Crush Saga in Windows 10. Followed by this, in the bets many applications such as Twitter, Photoshop Express, Minecraft for Windows 10 have been promoted

These games and applications can be appreciated by many people, but the fact of not being able to decide their installation is what does not correspond not to the preference of the majority. Much less so, when you install one of the games, they discover that it uses more or less 750 megabytes of memory space.

On Reddit, it has been 'denounced', even, that many of these apps are installed in the background, which horrifies anyone who reads these experiences then, n '39. anything else can happen on their computer and they do not take it for granted.

How to prevent applications from automatically installing in Windows 10

To start, if something has already been installed on your computer, you can enter the Windows Store and visit the menu and then click on "Downloads and updates ".

What we are going to do now is to disable "Show suggestions occasionally at the beginning". application suggestions or even install them automatically. For this you need to do the following:

Step 1: Press the Windows-I keys to open the "Settings".

Step 2: Once there, look for Personalization> Start.

Step 3: Now the only thing you need to disable "Show suggestions from time to time at startup". If it's already turned off, just exit the window or you could take the opportunity to disable other options like File Explorer suggestions, screen lock ads, and sharing suggestions, for example. preventative measure.

Prevent unwanted installations is to disable the option "Automatically update applications" in the Microsoft Store settings.

And with this, you should restrict the ads and unwanted application suggestions that will be installed later on your system without your permission.

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