Police will strengthen control over the slopes during and after Colombia's match | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


The emotions generated by the matches of the Colombian national team at the World Cup in Russia made that Cartagena celebrated and sang every goal high. However, the authorities are concerned about the famous motorcycle caravans, in which some comrades of extraterrestrial comrades and take advantage to make theirs.

The last tour of these motorcyclists gave much to talk and, according to the Commander of the Metropolitan Police of Cartagena, Luis Humberto Poveda, exceeded the limit of recklessness by breaking into private establishments such as the motels. The head of Mecar also pointed out that homicide rates are worrying products of the "football fever", so from now on there is an operation to prevent violent acts tomorrow, which Colombia will face in the match against England. 19659002] "The police have a device for this bridge to contain the excess noise and consumption of alcohol.This control will last until Tuesday – tomorrow – which is Colombia's match against the country. England, during which there will not be a single policeman in all establishments and all will be in large groups in the street, to control, in the case Colombia wins, motorcyclists who make caravans and who are committing excesses on the roads by entering restricted places, they have already shaved phones from other people who are filming them and that can not continue, "said the commander.

The uniform pointed out that these excesses transcend the coexistence of crime and have under its power some videos with which the institution, along with the Office of the Prosecutor, opened investigations for theft.
"These caravans will be disrupted by the personnel of the available force, the mobile riot brigade (Esmad), the traffic police who, they have functions in the city, I will bring them to immobilize the bicycles and deliver them to the Administrative Department of Transit and Cartagena Transport (DATT), "he said.

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Poveda added that there will be controls on the consumption of alcohol on public roads and noise with picos after the end of the game.

"We will not have another Sunday like the one where Col played Oombia with Poland and we had a very high crime, where there were three people killed because of the consumption of Alcohol (…) We ask for tolerance, because many people are excited by the excitement of the World Cup and react violently to any discussion.The alcohol and an aggressive temperament are not a good combination. "

There are 500 uniformed police officers who will take care of Cartagena and visitors during the game of Colombia.

Priority sectors [19659002] For his part, the director of the DATT, Edilberto Mendoza Góez, declared that the most suitable areas for motorcycle caravans are Avenida Pedro de Herida and La Transversal 54.

"Taking into account the repeated complaints of the surrounding community to caravans that not only endanger the lives of people, but also that of pedestrians, we will increase agents and agents in the streets (…) Some people are hiding behind motorcycles to commit criminal acts, for example which, together with the national police, we decided to establish checkpoints in the city, especially when irregularities of this type such as Pedro Avenue Heredia, Transversal 54 and the height of the different motels, "said the official.

There are 80 transit agents and 120 regulators who will visit the city and control mobility.


Intolerance reigned in the city amid celebrations of Father's Day and the celebration of Colombia's triumph over Poland, four people were killed in Cartagena. Three of them fought, while another was the victim of a direct attack by gunshot. In the same period, the uniformed police witnessed 381 fights

"Many people started taking intoxicating drinks early, which meant that the police had to organize caravans to attend various events that were reported. a time when we did not give enough cases of fighting, "said the commander of Mecar.

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