Parents can see the detainees • El Nuevo Diario


Antonia Urrejola, rapporteur of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), said that in the coming days, relatives of detainees from the Department of Legal Aid (DAJ) will be able to enter and visit them.

Urrejola reported that he concluded this agreement with the authorities of the DAJ after a visit he made yesterday afternoon. The IACHR rapporteur revealed that they would also allow him to re-enter the DAJ. He stated that during his visit he had not found any cases of torture.

"They will establish a program of visits and will be able to give messages to family members who bring them clothes and to those who take special medicines," said Urrejola, who did not specify whether the tens detainees would be released.

Yesterday morning, there was a sit-in before the DAJ to request the release of detainees

 Antonia Urrejola, rapporteur of the IACHR, when she was at the DAJ. Bismarck Picado  END

The parents of the parents

Yudielka Flores, 24, was barely up at six in the morning. Last Saturday, a group of police and armed civilians arrived at his home. Mayerlin

Mayerlin Flores remains at the Directorate of Legal Aid (DAJ) to request the release of his sister. Yudielka works for a free zone in Tipitapa, where four other people were arrested and detained the same day.

Sandra Ramos, a member of the Civic Alliance for Democracy and Justice and labor activist, said that the five employees of this company are Junior Sánchez, Daniel Sánchez, Henry Mejía, Guillermo Ruiz and the only woman, Yudielka Flores.

For Ramos, the detention of the five workers of this Korean company that makes clothing is not a mere coincidence, but an act of repression against self-employed workers who are not not in favor of Government

However, Yudielka's family badures that she was not involved in anything and that the only problem was that in the Tangarás district where she lives, Saturday morning there were attacks to remove some barricades that had been lifted days before.

Yudielka works from Monday to Saturday in the packing zone of the said free zone. Mayerlin said that police and armed civilians made disasters in his sister's house, shot him down the ceiling, emptied his clothes and broke several things. Until now, they do not know why they took her with her partner

Two brothers in detention

Junior Sánchez and Daniel Sánchez are brothers. Their relatives claimed that they took them when they went to the free zone where they work. On the other hand, Henry Mejía was going to take money from an ATM machine during his arrest, according to the complaint of his relatives. Ramos called the owners of the free zone to defend their collaborators

A former miller refused to repress

Betzaida Guzmán is the wife of Oscar Danilo Mendoza, a former soldier who left the company Nicaragua's army in 2008, which, according to her, refused to participate in the repression carried out by the authorities of the municipality of Sébaco.

Guzmán badured that, as her husband had ceased to be a military officer, he devoted himself to working alone His last job, until the day where he was arrested on Saturday afternoon, was a motorist. "They took it naked and I learned that her legs were injured," she said.

The anguished woman, who spent two days at the DAJ, said her partner was harbaded by joining armed groups, but said, "I would not take the blood of the people. " Guzmán stated that in the army, Mendoza was a soldier and that he decided to leave because he was not allowed to be with her at one time where he fell seriously ill.

Guzmán claimed that he will try to bring him a different meal each day. Let Mendoza know that his family is with him. The ex-military is one of 19 people arrested during an attack in Sébaco.

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