The Earth will pass through its furthest point from the Sun


Washington, July 2 (Prensa Latina) The earth will cross its farthest point from the sun into its orbit on the 6th, an astronomical event known as aphelion, which occurs every year this month. .
The specialized media indicate that the greatest separation will occur when our planet and the sun king are at a distance of 152 million 95 thousand 566 kilometers.

Kepler's second law indicates that this journey also translates into lower orbital translation speed, with 103 thousand 536 kilometers per hour, more than seven thousand times slower than in perihelion (the smallest separation of the Sun), recorded on January 3rd.

According to scientists, this happens because in its movement around the Sun, the Earth does not take a perfect but elliptical circular trajectory.

The German astronomer Johannes Kepler was the discoverer in 1609 thus linked to the largest of the rocky planets

he realized that the line that connects the planets and the Sun covers the same area in the same time, said the astronomers.

They explained that the Earth is farther away. The king of the stars in the middle of summer has nothing to do with the seasonal warmth in the northern hemisphere or the winter in the south.

It's the greatest number of hours of sunshine due to the tilt of the Earth's axis that governs rising or falling temperatures, they point out.

jf / rml

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