Joachim Löw will remain coach of Germany after elimination in group stage in Russia 2018 | World Russia 2018


Joachim Löw, will continue in the position of Germany's selection technician, despite the elimination in the 2018 Russia World Cup in the group stage, informed this Tuesday the German Football Federation (DFB)

Löw contracted with the German Football Federation (DFB) until 2022 and its chairman, Reinhard Grindel, had expressed his support immediately after the elimination. Grindel said at the time that before the World Cup had renewed Löw 's contract of belief that he was the right person to undertake a renewal that, regardless of what' s going on. has pbaded in Russia, should begin after the World Cup.

"My disappointment is still huge, but I have the motivation and the energy to make a fresh start," Löw said, according to a statement from the DFB.

In the coming weeks, Löw and his technical team will badyze the causes of the debacle in Russia. "I am confident that Joachim Löw is the right person to do an accurate badysis and take the necessary steps," said Grindel.

Löw took over in 2006 as a successor to Jürgen Klinsmann, whose second coach he was. In the 2008 European Championship Germany reached the final, which lost to Spain, in the World Championship of South Africa 2010 finished third, and in Brazil 2014 has conquered the world title. In addition, he was in the semifinals at Euro 2012 and at Euro 2016.

After the elimination in Russia, Löw said that he needed time to make a decision about his future. Although there has been severe criticism in the media, no prominent German football personality has demanded the resignation of Löw, who, confirmed the circulating news on Tuesday, could have been one of them. factors that pushed him to continue in his charge.

Since the 1938 French Championship, Germany has not fallen into the first phase of a World Cup. Elimination in the group stage of the 2000 and 2004 European Championships had led both times to the resignation of tour coaches, Erick Ribbeck and Rudi Völler. The DFB wanted the continuity of Völler but he considered that facing the World Cup in Germany in 2006, he needed another coach who had a mortgage like the one he had on the back with the elimination.

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