23 other MP prosecutors arrested for alleged corruption offenses | NTN24


The constitutional prosecutor, Tarek William Saab, informed that 23 other prosecutors have been arrested for alleged bribery offenses under the administration of Luisa Ortega Díaz.

"They believed that they could continue to do what they did in the years when the first was, imploded this public prosecutor, with a group, turning that into a cartel. extortion, "he said.

Since the beginning of its management in August 2017, Saab has sought to "dismantle" alleged corrupt networks within the prosecution. Nevertheless, there are still reports of due process violations and irregularities in court proceedings.

"Corruption is a scourge that can do a lot of damage to our revolution, because the ultimate goal of corruption is to create a diversion of funds to the nation and this affects not only the people but also the men and women. # 39; business, "he said. they have diverted preferential dollars donated by the National Trade Center (Cencoex) to buy food and medicine.

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