Suspended the restriction of parrillero man in Envigado


Circular on a motorcycle with a male barbecue has been banned in Envigado since 2012, due to decrees that administrations have issued year after year. However, on June 28, a court in Medellín suspended the restriction as illegal.

Inclusive, although the office of the mayor of Envigado reported that she would appeal, the effects of the judicial decision are not verified and enforced. when the decision was made public. As a result, broilers can move smoothly until a new court order is made

The same thing happened in other municipalities such as Medellín, where the decree was continued and finally repealed in 2015 by the Administrative Court of Antioquia; The same thing happened in Sabaneta in March 2000.

The measure was deemed "irrational because, without ignoring the fact that crime uses motorcycles to commit a crime, the entire population type can not be affected. Nicolás Arango Duque one of the plaintiffs of the decree

However, in the reflections of the Fourteenth Administrative Court of Medellín they pointed out that the rule goes against what is stipulated in the decree . Articles 14 and 15 of the Police Code, which refer to the fact that such measures must be temporary and must be extended, must be presented as a draft agreement to the Council.

"The insistence on such administrative acts is contrary to what has been peacefully supported jurisprudentially, because, as stated, measures such as those presented today to the study are disproportionate to the end pursued It also highlights the rulings and arguments of the Constitutional Court that supported the repeal of similar decrees in Medellín and Sabaneta.receive the decision in the appeal process, "said Arango .

He added that with what happened in this case and in the other two municipalities of the valley Aburrá, it is shown that the restriction to barbecue man does not make sense and will eventually fall. in other places, including Bogotá, where it came into effect in January this year.

The legal team of the mayor considers the considerations of the court and the Security Secretariat announced that they will proceed with the appeal of the suspension, which for the moment c & # 39; 39 is a precautionary measure.

"We respect the decision, we are currently the third most applicable municipality in the Police Code, and this restriction was just another tool to fight crime in the municipality, but it is not the only one, "said Juan Manuel Botero, chief of this office.

He pointed out that the municipality invests more than 60,000 million pesos in security, and will continue to work with the institutions and the community to have a quiet territory.

The suspension to Envigado, a municipality that according to the national traffic register drives the number of motorcycle registration plates in the metropolitan area.More than 396,000 vehicles allow These drivers move freely with a male barbecue.

On the other hand, in Itagüí, the restriction still applies, which was extended until December of this year. year by the mayor's office, except for hours between 05:00 and 07:30 and between 17:00 and 19:30.

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