The Antanas Mockus Elections Are Defined Today at the National Electoral Council | Policy


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The Plenary Chamber of the National Electoral Council, CNE, will be meeting today to discuss whether or not whether or not the election of Antanas Mockus as a Senator of the Republic for the Green Alliance for the Legislative Period 2018 – 2022.

According to the presentation presented by the magistrate Luis Bernardo Franco, who represents the Party of the U at the CNE, there is enough evidence to show that the former mayor of Bogota is unable to badume his title of Congressman on July 20th.

The Magistrate claims that Mockus was named president of the Corporvisionarios Foundation, an entity that signs million-dollar contracts with the Cundinamarca Agency for Peace and Post-Conflict six months before the parliamentary elections that took place the 11th of March.

"Demonstrating Habi The lack of ethics and immorality of the aforementioned candidate in the Senate of the Republic we add the contract No. 10 of 2017, dated November 9, 2017 and simultaneously the certificate of the House of Commerce where Mockus appears as president of the aforementioned institution entrepreneur, who is the one who makes the decisions and responds according to the document commented on March 12 of the current year, "dictates part of the presentation Judge Franco.

Mockus defends himself [19659004] In his free version presented to the CNE, Senator Elect Antanas Mockus denied having signed with the organization Corpovisionarios in a contract with the government of Cundinamarca.

"Currently, I do not hold any position in Corporación Visionarios por Colombia, I have resigned from my presidential post on March 19, 2018," Mr. Mockus said in his statement, adding that 3 9 he knew the contract because he was present at the management report of the project done by the cadres

The senator also declared that he did nothing to obtain the attribution of this agreement, which was awarded on November 9, 2017, between the Agency for Peace and Post-conflict. New evidence

The decision of the National Electoral Council was delayed for a week, following the request of the Attorney General's Office to conduct further tests to determine whether Senator-elect Antanas Mockus is disqualified to take office as a member of Congress on July 20.

Among the tests requested by the prosecution, is to listen to the elected senator in a free version, as it happened the previous week, as well as the extension of the statement of Henry Samuel Murrain, to "clarify what were the negotiations Mr. Mockus could advance to obtain the contract for the entity that held him."

The Green Alliance Party baderted that in the event that the election of Mockus would be declared void, he would appeal the decision to the State Council.

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