Nahir Galarza was the last to hear the decision – 07/04/2018


Nahir Galarza was the last to learn the judgment that sentenced her to life imprisonment. While the verdict was broadcast live across the country, the young woman was alone in her cell. Without televisions or radios, he had to wait a few hours later for his lawyer to come and tell him. How he took it is a stranger who will remain in this intimacy, in which only the darkness of the prison has witnessed the encounter.

Seventeen minutes lasted the words of the judge, Mauricio Derudi. With the room brimming with cameras and reporters, the lawyer, a little nervous, had to cut his reading with sips of water several times. Fernando Pastorizzo's mother and sister cried and took their hands. Gustavo, the father, lowered his head. "This Court unanimously handed down the following verdict: to sentence Nahir Mariana Galarza, as the perpetrator criminally responsible for the crime of homicide described as being a person with whom she has maintained a relationship, to the penalty of imprisonment to perpetuity, "she said. the last paragraph of his sentence judges him and in the background a cry was heard that was like an explosion mixed with applause. They were neighbors who, moved by the case, decided to go to court.

Neither Nahir nor his parents were present in the hall to hear the sentence read. She was not obliged to do so and was advised to stay at the Police Station of the Minor and the Woman, where she had been staying ever since she confessed to killing Pastorizzo. He will stay there until the penalty is fixed. Then your destination can be a farm or the women's prison of Paraná. His parents, who, for fear of being lynched, did not stay in the house, glued to the television and kept at the door by a policeman.

No one spoke in the environment of the young woman sentenced to life imprisonment. Only Yamina, the mother, wrote a message about her WhatsApp status: "I love you, they will never be able to separate us .. Never This is just beginning," said the caption about a photo Nahir and his brother, smiling, kissed, happy, a huge contrast to the current reality.A few days before the decision of the periphery of the law school, they told us that she was confident, that it was partly based on numerology, a practice she learned in prison and where the numbers told her that everything would be fine

.] But that did not happen like that. , contrary to what the figures implied to Nahir, have decided otherwise.In the course of the eleven long hearings, the defense has raised different objects: they said that she was the victim and that it was there. aggressor, that they never met each other and that what had happened the morning of the 29th of December was an accident. Where Nahir had escaped the two shots.

But none of this has been proven and Derudi then read: "The defense's badumption that the shootings occurred involuntarily was destroyed," he said. that there was a "qualified homicide for a relationship", which the prosecution had requested. However, scrapped the treason, which had asked for the complaints. And also, in another key piece of information, they rejected the mitigation of gender violence, which could have reduced Nahir's suffering.

During the hearings, the main focus of the debate was precisely the link that united them, that was the key to establish the aggravated homicide qualified by the link, which is punishable by perpetual punishment . "We never went out together, we only saw each other at dawn to have bad," Nahir said in his statement. The defense attempted to introduce his official boyfriend to another boy, Rafael, but he downplayed the relationship when he was called to testify and said that they were only "friends with rights." . "

His lawyer, Horacio Dargainz then read the verdict. He questions, inter alia, the fact that the court decided his sentence without having badyzed the videos and messages of the cell phones of Fernando and Nahir: "We have, with a team of 15 to 20 people, badyzed all videos and all messages. . How, in such a short time, could the court badyze everything? "Asked the lawyer," Physically, it does not give you time to badyze the whole test, it's a complex case, there's a lot to badyze, "he said. Although he stated that he did not wish to give any opinion before knowing the reasons for the decision, lawyer Dargainz considered that the evidence heard during the trial did not give any reason. were not sufficient to condemn his client to such a severe penalty: "The biggest problem was in cell phones and I did not give them time to badyze it," the lawyer explained again and again to reporters gathered on the spot

At the same time, outside the hall, were held celebrations of almost 500 neighbors who were celebrating the verdict of the main square, in front of the courts.This is not a small number for a city like Gualeguaychú, where almost everyone knows each other. hes in arms, boys with uniforms who have just left school, young people with friends and biscuits. All were attentive to the live broadcast that Youtube has done the Justice of Entre Ríos. With their cell phones, they piled their heads to keep a close eye on what was going on.

The first to leave was Gustavo, the man who clenched his fist in celebration when he heard the word "perpetual" in the judge's mouth. He said that now Nahir will begin to suffer: "He begins to die day after day – it's a death, perhaps, as bloody as that of 'Nando'," he said. he says, surrounded by microphones

Carla and Silvia, sister and mother of the murdered boy, also spoke, They said that they felt calm because justice had been done, but they admitted, especially the mother, that now would come the most difficult moment: "For months now, my energy has been placed in this trial.It's what keeps me strong, but when it's over, I do not know how I will continue, "he told Clarin a few days before the verdict. Yesterday, he reminded his son: "Maybe now I can rest in peace".

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