Ecuador will ask Interpol Correa's arrest in case of kidnapping | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


Ecuador will ask Interpol for the arrest and extradition of former president Rafael Correa, after being introduced Monday in the Quito Court of Justice, as a precaution after to have been linked to the attempted abduction of ex-Ambbadador Fernando Balda.

Judge Daniella Camacho accepted the request of the state's Attorney General, Paúl Pérez, and ordered her pre-trial detention, for investigation purposes, as well as a request to Interpol to locate Correa, who has been living in Belgium with his family since last year, for the purpose of extradition

On June 18, Camacho ordered Correa to appear before the Secretariat of the National Court of Justice on July 2 and rejected the defense's request to do so. at the Embbady of Ecuador in Belgium

Correa, Monday, covered by his lawyers under diplomatic settlements, appeared before the diplomatic legation in Brussels and immediately the applicant, Balda, asked for his detention preventive, also supported by the Office of the Prosecutor for failing to comply with an express order of the judge.

The Ecuadorian President replied that this arrest warrant was part of a political "plot" already known for months

In what is his first reaction to the decision, Correa recalled Tuesday a Twitter message of November 10, 2017 in which Balda advanced his arrest.

"Balda has already announced in November that there were court proceedings that would order me to capture Interpol .I guess or part of a plot? Place your bets In the next few hours I will send a video through the networks.Until victory always! ", said the former president in a message from the same social network.

In a previous message, he had already denounced the so-called "outrage" committed by the judicial system, by a "handpicked tax", and with a "link without any evidence."

"Do you know how far this joke will succeed internationally? Do not worry, it's all a matter of time. We're going to win!", He wrote feeling the outcome at the court.

His lawyer, Caupolicán Ochoa, who had requested the hearing today to replace the original measures and request that Correa be allowed to appear in Brussels, regretted the judicial decision and declared:

He noted with surprise the "speed" in the execution of the judge and did not hesitate to say that "the process was violated, due process was violated, has become arbitrary again".

"It is not justice, but revenge, here it is not a matter of enforcing the law, but of complying," he said at the end of the day. 39 hearing, without specifying precisely to whom he was referring.

Ochoa also challenged the Attorney General for failing to officially take office again.

Prosecutor Perez, making a comment to the press on the current situation of Correa, recalled that the former president has "a measure of pre-trial detention" and stated that Correa has the right to present himself to the process of to defend oneself.

But he said that if for some reason he does not do it, then the figure of "fugitive of justice" will be declared. ] On June 18, the exmandatario was linked to the attempted kidnapping of Balda, a case already tried in Colombia that took place on the night of August 13, 2012, when five people, four men and one wife, approached him. They were violently put in a vehicle

Balda was rescued by the Colombian police after an hour and a half, thanks to the call of a taxi driver.

The attempt to kidnap who he was and is a fervent opponent of Correa is interpreted by relatives of the former president as a weapon of his critics to execute an alleged revenge of the policies that made them evil during his ten years in power, between 2007 and 2017.

Rosa Cárdenas, Andean parliamentarian he showed his accusing finger to the current government of Lenin Moreno, a former Correa and now one of his political rivals.

The judicial decision is "a clear proof of the judicialization of politics," said Cárdenas and urged people to get angry. "A disorder that, unhappy to take all the powers of the state, is unleashed against the popular leaders," he said on Twitter.

But former ambbadador Balda believes that today's court decision means that "justice begins to be made". an exemplary way "for his removal, and that it is only the beginning." 19659002 "" We received this moment with a lot of maturity, with a lot of responsibilities. And as we have announced, there must be justice for all the crimes of state committed during the correísmo, "he declared at the end of the hearing

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