Two Valledupar officials dismissed under contract with Natalia Springer – Investigación – Justicia


Attorney General's Office says that the sanctioned people have committed irregularities to give a contract for 1,400 million.

  Natalia Springer

In addition to the investigative contract, political scientist Natala Springer won millionaire contracts with the Office of the Prosecutor. end of news.


4th of July 2018, 08:40 am.

The Attorney General dismissed and disqualified Carlos Mario Céspedes Torres, former Secretary of the Government of Valledupar and Lisbeth Lorena Gaitán Mateus, former Secretary General of the Municipality, for irregularities in the contract for the provision of services between the town hall and the company Springer Von Schwarzenberger Céspedes Torres was expunged for 14 years and Gairán Mateus for 12 years

The Public Prosecutor's Office considered that there were actions and omission of duties badigned to sanctioned ex-offenders, advancing irregularly the benefit contract No. 552 of 2015, valued at 1 400 million pesos, which was intended to develop the project "Training of co-managers in the framework of the construction of a culture of peace in the municipality of Valledupar . "

For the controlling entity, Gaitán Mateus is responsible for issuing an aptitude certification in favor of Lebrar directly the contract bypbading the principle of transparency that should govern the state contracts .

In the case of Céspedes Torres, the Attorney General found him responsible for the certification of the contracting firm, conducting market research with a quote of dubious origin, suggesting that the The type of contract was direct and failed to adequately monitor the contracted activities.

In addition, at first instance, the controlling body suspended for a month the former mayor, Fredys Miguel Socarrás Reales and the former head of the legal office, Mery Maria Romero Mestre.

Springer is also the subject of an investigation for alleged irregularities in millionaire contracts obtained by the Attorney General during the administration of Eduardo Montealegre

Justicia @ eltiempo.

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