Commemoration of the 84th anniversary of the death of Marie Curie


– 10:01 – 4/07/2018
  • Discovered radio and polonium, and won two Nobel prizes

(Photo: Twitter / @VSCLS) [19659005] This 4th of July marks another year of the death of the Polish scientist Maria Salomea Sklodowska, better known as Marie Curie.

She is a graduate in physics and mathematics, pbadionate about research and science. His research on radioactivity led him to discover the elements of radium and polonium.

She becomes the first person in history to receive two Nobel Prizes, one in physics and the other in chemistry.

that his work marked a whole model on the role of women in the world of science, it also caused blindness and disease that led to death.

On July 4, 1934, Marie Curie died in a clinic in France because of a rare blood disease linked to high levels of exposure to radioactive elements.

An emblematic character of women's science and empowerment, Marie Curie is commemorated and commemorated by the legacy that her pbadion left to science and life.

"You must persevere and, above all, have confidence in yourself", Maddame Curie

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