Diving: The only rescue option for Thai children trapped in the cave | World


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A group of ten soldiers, led by a military doctor, they meet the group to badess the evolution of their physical conditions.

A new video published by the Thai Navy shows the children inside the cave visibly lean and dressed in thermal blankets, but waving and even laughing. [19659004"Laconditiondelaplupartd'entreeuxestbonneilssontfatiguésetilsontbesoindetempspourrécupérercertainsnesaventpasnageretnousdevonsleurapprendreàplongernousdevonsfairetoutleurpossiblepourlessortirdurepairesouterrain"EfeWeerachonSukondhapatipakporte-paroledugouvernement

During the day on Wednesday, the & # 39; lack of rainfall opened the hopes & # 39; early rescue to & # 39; inside the cave located in the park. Luang-Khun Nam Nang No, in the northern province of Chiang Mai

In addition, the ceaseless work of about twenty water extraction pumps drains about 10,000 liters per hour of pbadages flooded, said one of the relief members.

The 12 children trapped in a cave in Thailand could spend months indoors if they do not learn to dive https://t.co/eVaosqTvke pic .twitter.com / 1hRXURAWMB

– Europa Press (@europapress) 3 July 2018

"Diving is the only way out (…) you have to try before the arrival of the rains, so it will be more complicated, "said Efe the German Torsten Lechler, advisor Technician Operations

" We have thirteen frail people who have to dive, climb, dive and walk again.Everyone is in good health, but they need a few days to recover their strength, "says the expert.

The activity is frenzied at the entrance to the cave, where members of the elite body and volunteers A "safer" plan of extraction

"Many factors, including physical and psychological factors, must be taken into account when planning the mission, "said Captain Jessica Tait, spokesman for the army. United States deployed in badistance missions.

"There is no rush," said Ruetaiwan Patisen, spokeswoman for the rescue teams, baduring that the children and their monitor will leave when they are ready. [19659004Includesschoolchildrenbetweentheagesof11and16andtheirfootballcoach26yearsarefedupwithenergyandvitaminsupplementsandtheauthoritiesconsiderthatthetaskofrescuecanlastafortnight

Rescuers set up a makeshift encampment in a cavity about 1.5 kilometers from where the children are, to move rescue equipment little by little.

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"During the dive (children) they will face a number of challenges such as: maintaining calm , zero visibility, currents or cold temperatures of water, "says Lechler, a 40-year-old diver and based in Phuket

One of the solutions proposed by the consultant is to use special diving masks , which cover the entire face and allow direct communication under the water.

"Speaking in their language with rescue members will give them confidence," says the German.

The parents of the trapped are "happy and full of hope" to embrace their loved ones as soon as possible, as the spokesperson amplifies. Gu government, while the whole country is waiting to celebrate a happy ending.

Health care teams led s practices before a hypothetical emergency evacuation of the victims, which could be transferred to the hospital in four military helicopters stationed in the vicinity of the cave. 19659004] The group was found Monday night on a firm island about 4 kilometers inland from the cave and after nine days of intense research with more than 1,300 people participated.

According to the official version, 13 entered the stands last Saturday, June 23, after a football training when a sudden storm began to flood the cavity and cut off the exit.

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