Captured for extradition aliases' Rambo & # 39; FARC – Crimes – Justice


Luis Eduardo Carvajal, aka Rambo who became chief of the mobile column 'Daniel Aldana'; Farc, was captured to be extradited this morning to Puerto Rico, Caquetá.

This would be the second member of the guerrilla to surrender and demobilize, and who would have continued to commit a crime after the signing of the government-Farc peace process in December 2016.

Carvajal was captured by police and prosecutors in a process advanced by US authorities, who accused him of having sent several kilos of cocaine.

The capture of & # 39; Rambo & # 39; becomes the second & # 39; "The potato" on the issue of extraditions and the date on which the peace process was signed.

The hurricane was activated with the capture of "Jesus Santrich" on April 9. He is accused of negotiating the shipment of 10 tons of cocaine to the United States, facts that would have been recorded after the signing of the peace treaty – for which a New York court asked him to extradite him.

Santrich Case

The Special Judge for Peace, JEP, has 120 days to determine Santrich's extradition request and to determine whether the facts occurred prior to the signing of the agreement of peace with Farc, with which the case would remain in the recognition room. Among the evidence given by the United States to the Colombian justice against Zeuxis Pausias Hernández Solarte, the name exnegociador, appear documents and recordings in which he talks about the sale of cocaine to suspected American traffickers.

It is stated a nomination documented in the November 1, 2010 record in the lobby of a hotel in Bogota. There, one of Santrich's supposed partners delivered the first five kilograms of coca as proof of the seriousness of the case.

The next day, says the indictment, Santrich "met the buyers at his home" and he acknowledged that he and the other two had "sold cocaine to d & # 39; other organizations ".

The other The appointment was made on February 8, 2018, when Santrich and one of his partners met buyers in the same house. "At this meeting, it was agreed to sell 10,000 kilograms of cocaine for $ 15 million, which were to be placed in Miami, Florida", says the document issued by the DEA.

On Twitter: @JusticiaET

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