Two people are poisoned in the UK with the same nerve agent as the former Russian spy Skripal


  Dawn Sturgess and Charlie Rowley

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The Couple, Identified as Dawn Sturgess and Charlie Rowley , 44 and 45, was found unconscious on Saturday

British police confirmed Wednesday that a man and woman found unconscious in Wiltshire, UK, were poisoned with Novichock, the same nerve agent used in the attack against the drug. former Russian spy Sergei Skripal

. like Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess, is in critical condition after being found Saturday in his house.

According to the authorities, "there is nothing in his file" which suggests that was the target of a deliberate attack.

The locality where they were found unconscious is located about ten kilometers from the city. where the former Russian spy Skripal and his daughter Yulia were found unconscious four months ago, victims of an attempt at poisoning.

  • What is Novichok, the nervous agent of Soviet origin used in the attack against the Russian ex-spy? his daughter in the UK
  • Who is Sergei Skripal, the ex-Russian spy in critical condition after being exposed to an unknown substance?

Police spokesman Neil Basu said that the nervous agent could not be confirmed of this new case was a residue of the one used in the attack against Skripal, since "it will belong to scientists to determine it. "

However, he confirmed that the possibility that both investigations were linked was "clearly a line of inquiry."

"The priority for the research team is now to establish how these two people came in contact with this neurotoxic agent," he told reporters. The head of medicine in England, Sally Davies, said: "I want to badure the public that the risk to the general public is still low."

As a precaution, the sites of Amesbury and Salisbury believed to be visited by the couple before they became ill, were cordoned off.

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