Even abroad, AMLO has won


Andrés Manuel López Obrador virtual elected president, obtains 63 thousand 863 votes of Mexicans residing abroad according to preliminary data of Preliminary program of results electoral (PREP) which places it as a leader in the preferences of this sector

Ricardo Anaya former candidate of the coalition "Por México al Frente", ranked second, capturing 26 thousand 344 votes while Jose Antonio Meade of the coalition "Todos por México", obtained 4 thousand 613 .

In the case of the independent Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, 'El Bronco & # 39; thousand 868 votes were registered, unregistered candidates reached 269 votes and 1,513 votes were invalid.

Through an infographic published by Ciro Murayama advisor of the National Electoral Institute (19459004), it is explained that of the 98 thousand 854 votes received, 98 thousand 470 were validated For the President of the Republic

"When the envelopes containing the votes have been opened, it is possible that the ballots are not found (…) Remember that the official results will be announced next Saturday, the 7 July".

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