Ana María Cortés, murdered social leader in Cáceres, Antioquia ELESPECTADOR.COM


National Redaction

The victim, identified as Ana Maria Cortes, was the coordinator in the country region of Gustavo Petro's campaign for the presidency.

Ana María Cortés, murdered Tuesday in the municipality of Cáceres, Antioquia On Twitter (@JovenesConPetro)

This Tuesday, July 4, in the night was murdered Ana María Cortés, a social leader of 46 years old, from Cáceres in the Bajo Cauca region of Antioquia, and who was coordinator of the presidential campaign Gustavo Petro in the municipality.

According to unofficial information, the woman, belonging to the appeal "Cáceres Humana Knot", was allegedly murdered around seven in the evening in a cafeteria of the municipality. Óscar Yesid Zapata, spokesperson of the corporation Nodo Antioquia badured Blu Radio that "the flow of blood of the leaders continue to flow down Cauca.We denounced the presence of groups such as" Gaitanistas "and" Caparrapos "We call on the international community to take a stand on these facts."

The crime of Ana María Cortés joins another series of murders against social leaders, since the last eight days, there were seven homicides, counting the leader of Cáceres

Only this Monday, while Colombia faced England during the World Cup 2018, two were killed: Luis Barrios a community leader of Palmar de Varela (Atlántico) and Felicinda Santamaría leader in Quibdó (Chocó).

Faced with this wave of killings of social leaders, various social organizations summoned a vera throughout the country next Friday at 6 pm in the afternoon. the slogan "They kill us."

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