Police save 15 women victims of alleged human trafficking in Lima


The National Police on Wednesday rescued 15 foreign women victims of alleged trafficking of people in operations in the districts of La Victoria and San Martín de Porres. Among the exploited women, three minors were found.

PNP Anti-Trafficking and Smuggling Officers intervened in a house in Sector 17 of Cerro El Pino, where six victims were rescued – five Venezuelan women and one Colombian – two minors (a Colombian minor aged 16 and a Venezuelan aged 17 with five months of gestation). In addition, the Venezuelan Juan Manuel Martínez Miara (18 years old) was arrested and he seized a mobile phone and documentation as pbadages and various annotations related to the investigation.

Meanwhile, in San Martín de Porres. Naranjal Sun, arresting North American Manolo Cabrera (23) and Venezuelan Keily Suilin Castro Figuera (24), also managing to rescue 09 foreigners (6 Venezuelan majors, 02 Colombian aged and one under 16 Venezuelans ) and grab two cell phones, two cell chip, a laptop and grab a dozen grams of marijuana.

Collected in Colombia

The operation was attended by prosecutors specialized in the subject, was made after knowing that these women would have been captured in Bogota – Colombia by one of the detainees, paying them the pbadage for $ 300, then in Peru they demanded payment of one thousand dollars, necessarily ndolas to prostitute themselves to make weekly payments and thus be able to repay their debt.

The PNP Unit carried out the due diligence and legal investigations with the participation of the Lima People's Treaty, for the alleged commission of the crime against Liberty – Trafficking of persons for the purpose of badual exploitation and related offenses; coordinating with state entities related to the issue to provide needed support and protection for rescued women.

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