The continuity of José Pékerman divides the Colombian sports press


04 July 2018 – 23:45



The special envoy of Francisco Henao Bolívar / El País in Russia

The continuity of José Pékerman as a coach of Colombia, not yet defined by the Colombian Football Federation and strongly endorsed by the fans, has more rejection than acceptance among the recognized journalists in the country.

Most of those who do not approve a third process of Argentina would approve it only if they decide to let their employer Pascual Lezcano, that they emphasize being a harmful man to the national team.

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Other journalists, however, consider that the permanence of the strategist ahead would be very good. of the national team, for the work that he has done in six years and for the knowledge that he has of the players.

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El País measured the pulse of well-known journalists on the question of Pekerman and their continuity in the national team

Carlos Antonio Vélez (Antena 2)
"In six years we have not won anything, things can not go on like this with situations that have happened." And it's about to remain, whether under two conditions: the first, without Pascual Lezcano, his employer.It is not even close.And the second is that you have to get to work, train, have a game idea, approaching new players, doing microcycles … We can not always be dependent on Mina's head shots or Ospina's stops. "

Javier Hernández (Gol Caracol)
" With Pékerman , the same thing happens in presidential reelections: the first four years Well and the last four very regular. His second stage was full of ups and downs. There is already a lot of wear. I would give continuity if he encounters a condition that is impossible: that he has no closer to the Selection a sinister character and that is his entrepreneur Pascual Lezcano . He ensured that many things of the national team were changed. "

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Tito Pucetti (Espn) [19659013] "If he wants to continue, he should be badured of continuity. He ripped us off at the World Cup in South Africa, he qualified us for Brazil 2014, he straightened the road, he took us to two World Cups with that of Russia, there are some very good things in six years, of course with things to fix. But I think that he has the strength for another step, that he is responsible. "

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Óscar Rentería (Supercombo de Deporte)
" I agree with the pursuit of Pekerman in the &scar national team as it is not easy to get another candidate. In addition, Pekerman already has an asphalt road, the players want it and have ranked us at two world championships. "

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