Google Maps reportedly captured "UFO" flying over the river in Buenos Aires, Argentina | Google Street View | Google Earth | trends


A new paranormal discovery made by Google Maps satellite cameras alerted thousands of people in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where they allegedly caught a UFO flying over the 'Río de la Plata &' # 39;

The finder, a chain of YouTube dedicated to paranormal topics, revealed that they were mapping with Google Maps several cities in search of something weird or unusual and were surprised to find it. 19659003] YOU CAN SEE Google Maps triggers panic among Internet users after its discovery in the Australian forest

As you can see in the video, the alleged UFO that Google Maps captured in Argentina is located in the middle of the "Rio de la Plata", located in the capital Buenos Aires, something that has left thousands of cybernauts affected.

It is not known when this photo was taken, because the images captured by Google Maps are not generally Despite this, many are sure that it would be irrefutable proof of the existence of aliens .

It should be noted that this is not the only UFO captured by Google Maps in Argentina in the last few weeks. Recently, a ufologist said that a strange flying object, which she believes to be an alien ship, was captured in the small town of "El Cholar", located in the province of Neuquén. .

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