AMLO generates uncertainties; Piñera and Duque should be examples in AL: Vargas Llosa


Mario Vargas Llosa Nobel Prize in Literature, badured that there was great uncertainty about how the virtual elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador will govern Mexico and has indicates that
the Chilean president Sebastián Piñera or the Colombian Iván Duque could direct a direction in the region.

"These are two countries steered in a good direction and then they can be an example in Latin America where the current trend is not to populism, but rather to a liberal democracy, integration towards the counterparty. said that López Obrador was generating uncertainty and said that it would be "extremely serious" for López Obrador to decide to put in place a form of populist government, as this would affect not only Mexico, but all of them. States Latin America.

"There is a great deal of uncertainty about the policy that López Obrador is going to be.He is concerned about the context, but at the same time since he won, he has made many statements to rebadure fundamentally.

"It would be very serious not only for Mexico, but for all of Latin America that the country, which has a greater large population in the (Hispanic) language, has opted for the populist path" , said Thursday the Peruvian writer after participating in the XI Atlantic Forum "Latin America and Europe: Populisms, Nationalisms and Democratic Challenges" .

This is not the first time that the author of "The City and the Dogs" refers to Tabasco. In May, Vargas Llosa described Andrés Manuel López Obrador as an irresponsible populist and demagogue and said he hoped Mexico would not make mistakes in choosing him as Mexico's next president.

"There is still room for Mexicans to weigh what is at stake. I hope that Mexico will not commit suicide by choosing an irresponsible demagogue and populist," said Lt. Peruvian writer at the forum "Democratic Solidarity in Latin America" ​​in Chile

On the triumph of Iván Duque President-elect of Colombia for the Democratic Center Party, said he had faith in him.

"Colombia, in difficult situations, is doing well Colombia is a unique case, despite a strong and fierce guerilla warfare that has maintained its democratic institutions, it worked."

In addition, 39; writer badured to have confidence in the Colombian president, since he claims to have extensive financial experience. 19659011] "I have a lot of hope with Iván Duque, he has a very important international financial experience" and said that the Colombian government "antipopulistically" will be a "great wall of contention for the ravages of Nicolás Maduro ".

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