Statement by the Minister of Defense on the murder of a leader in Cáceres – Conflict and drug trafficking – Justice



5 July 2018, 3:56 pm

On Thursday, Defense Minister Luis Carlos Villegas spoke of the recent death of social leaders in the country and stressed that at this time investigations are being conducted for killings recorded at Cáceres (Antioquia), Palmar of Varela (Atlántico) and Tumaco (Nariño).

In his remarks, Villegas refers to the killing, in Bajo Cauca, Antioquia, of Ana María Cortés, who was the coordinator of the Gustavo Petro campaign in this region and I played as a Activist in the midst of the Hidroituango crisis.

"There is the murder in Cáceres of a woman, who participated as a witness in the last elections on behalf of a political campaign, but who also has an investigation into her history to have links with support networks of the clan del Golfo & # 39; "said the head of the military portfolio.

Declarations of the Minister of Defense

Villegas added that investigations are under way to clarify the motives homicide and pointed out that the municipality "Antioquia" is one of the most important theaters of the Amagedón operation, against the "Gulf clan" and is affected by the emergency in Ituango hydropower. [19659017] Gustavo Petro denounced in the morning of this Thursday the crime of Cortés and affirmed that the woman "had been threatened by the same police commander of the municipality" and made denunciations Finally, the Minister said the crime of social leader Luis Barrios in Palmar de Varela would be linked to complaints he had made about a group of micro-trafficking traffickers in the Palmar district of Varela. who was a member of the community action. that "the investigation is very advanced" and that there are three individuals identified as being suspected of committing the crime


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