WhatsApp: Find out how to read messages without opening the app | App | Android | iPhone | trends


Trick 100% guaranteed. If you want to read a WhatsApp message, but do not want to open the application, you should know that there is a little known method that will help you to solve this problem and in this publication we will reveal it to you.

When you read a WhatsApp message, Usually both blue "checks" appear, a function that informs the other person that you have already checked what she sent; However, there is a simple tour that will allow you to read all the messages sent to you by your friends, without having to enter the application.

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If you are interested in learning this simple trick, know that it does not matter. is available only for users who use WhatsApp on a Android device so if you have an iPhone or other Apple Device, unfortunately you can not apply.

If you meet the requirement mentioned above, the first thing to do to read WhatsApp messages without opening the application is to press for a few seconds on the screen of your Android device, you will notice that three options appear, choose the one that calls it Widgets .

After pressing it, you will see all the & # 39; Widgets & # 39; that you have on your device, you have to download it until you find the three "widgets" that WhatsApp has added to your smartphone but they are disabled by default.

Choose the first and without dropping it on the screen of your ] preferably creates a new one that does not have application icons.

That would be it, when your friends WhatsApp will send you a message, it will appear in this Widget and you will be able to read it without opening the application, that is to say that the double blue check will not come out and the other person will not know you have read the message.


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