Argentine tourists traveling to Europe must apply for authorization and pay 7 euros | News instantly from


The European Parliament on Thursday approved a package of measures to protect the external borders of the European Union (EU). The idea is to identify people considered at risk before they enter the European area of ​​free movement.

The regulation includes the application for an Internet authorization and the payment of a fee that will apply to all tourists from countries that are not currently required to visas, including l & # 39; Argentina.

The security check, according to calculations of the EU, will not exceed 10 minutes and will cost 7 euros.

The measure will apply from 2021 to for example, all citizens of more than 60 countries who should not get a visa for their short stays in the EU, such as those in Argentina, from the United States, Brazil, Albania or the United Arab Emirates, for example.

VISA. The United States will ask to review the social networks of those who apply for the visa

The authorization will be valid for three years and will be free for minors and for over 70 years.

The system, named Ethias (European System of Information and Travel Authorization), is inspired by that used by the United States.

COUNTRY. List of countries that will require this authorization

How will it work? Before traveling, pbadengers must complete a form with a data set. What is presented in each application will be automatically contrasted with the information bases of the EU and other Interpol databases to determine if there is any reason to refuse travel authorization. The 7 euros will be paid on the web

Thus, before boarding, air carriers and seafarers will have the obligation to check that foreigners who require this authorization are in possession of a valid authorization. The procedure should take about 96 hours (4 days) or a maximum of two weeks

The travel authorization will be valid for three years or until the end of the validity of the pbadport registered during the asks, if the date is Previous

In April, the procedure had been approved by the ambbadadors of the different countries, but it missed the pbadage through the Parliament, which happened this Thursday

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