Know the trick to silence group members in WhatsApp | news


WhatsApp published a new update that will allow to mute a person within a group on his platform ] so that users will not receive messages, voice notes, or files from the selected person with this mode.

The application has the ability to block family members, friends or workgroups that you want, which will prevent them from writing or that their messages will be seen.

To unblock users, you select the option "All Attendees", organized in group configurations. Photo: Pixabay

The secret is to place as "administrator" the users you want to talk to, so that the rest remains as simple as " members " that you can block to not participate in WhatsApp group conversations.

Block and silence in three simple steps

1 . Select "Group Information" and go to "Settings"

2. "Edit Group Administrators" and name the administrator of each of the friends with whom you want to talk.

3. Back to "Group Settings" select the "Edit Group Information" option and choose the "Administrators Only" option.

Another tuco in silence is to prevent the members from being able to write, they will be able to read the messages) they will not be able to answer them

1. You must select the "Group Information" option.

2. Continually press any member of the vertical list.

3. Choose the option "Delete as administrator" and that is all.

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